The X-Link tool automatically converts IBM Gentran: Server for UNIX Visual maps to IBM B2B Integrator maps and cuts remapping costs by up to 80%.
The X-Link conversion tool is a great solution for organizations that:
The X-Link conversion engine can take the process of remapping from 16-24 hours per map, to as low as 2-4 hours per map, which includes map finalization and testing time. It makes map conversion economical and decommissioning Gentran possible.
Maps delivered to Remedi are processed, converted and delivered back to the client. Includes map finalization and testing services along with the conversion process. Clients may also do their own map finalization and testing if they choose.
Deliverables include the converted map and a conversion log that details the conversion events with notations about functions in Visual Maps not supported in IBM B2B Integrator / Application Integrator maps which require coding in the finalization process.
To demonstrate the process, deliverables, and proof of concept, Remedi will convert up to 5 maps at no cost to you. Get your complimentary map conversions and see how it works!