In today’s fast paced world, we can all get caught up amid multiple business priorities. The question, I pose today is which of those priorities are the most important and how are they going to impact your business for future generations to come? At REMEDI, we have engaged our entire team in moving our company forward by focusing on Innovation. As Simon T. Bailey states in his recent blog: “Engaging your gears means putting your life into drive and positioning yourself in the middle of the action where ideas are happening.” This allows us to shift our brilliance and achieve our goals. Here are some key areas that Simon highlights:
- Strengthen Your Core – Before firing up your gears you need to make sure that everything is in order. So, be prepared before you engage.
- Tap into Your Core Motivation – Aside from your skills, you need to connect with the motivation within and use it to encourage yourself and your team towards success. Let your vision guide you.
- Get Organized – Everything within and around you need to be properly organized to ensure you don’t face hurdles during execution.
- Get in the Middle of the Action – Be where the action is so that you are inspired. Once you immerse yourself in a project, you’ll be able to become more dedicated to it. You’ll also learn from the ideas of others and be inspired to come up with your own.
As a firm that specializes in EDI, Integration and MFT, we are always looking for ways to enhance the experience our customers have with our company. This empowers us to stay on the leading edge of the core areas of our business. We are consistently incorporating new ideas and concepts as well as strategies to capitalize on the opportunity to move us forward in Innovation. Are you encouraging your team to share their creative ideas on a regular basis and being intentional about having an open forum to leverage breakthrough in all areas of your business?
As you transition your IT and Data Integration departments into the latter part of the year to finish strong, consider these questions…Do your current B2Bi integration capabilities support your business requirements and are you considering changing or upgrading your B2B Integration Architecture? This is the time of year that quite a few of our clients are putting new project plans and budgets together for 2018. If you are looking for a firm that has a proven track record in assisting clients gain full visibility and with monitoring and reporting of EDI, we would welcome the opportunity to hear your story and discuss some of the challenges you are experiencing.