B2B Data Integration and Transformation Blog

Integration Software Support and Upgrades

IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator 6.1 and IBM® Sterling File Gateway 6.1 End of Support FAQs

Posted by Scott Hulme on Oct 22, 2024 7:00 AM

We have confirmed that IBM will end support for IBM Sterling B2B Integrator 6.1.x and IBM Sterling File Gateway 6.1.x on September 30, 2025.

If you're planning to upgrade to the current versions of these products, we urge you to begin planning as far in advance as possible. Failing to upgrade in time can be seriously problematic; risks include being ineligible for IBM support and exposure to security vulnerabilities.

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Managed Integration Services: How to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Posted by Dave Reyburn on Mar 8, 2021 12:33 PM

According to Paul Clark, Global Managing Partner with Ernst & Young, 84% of organizations are adapting their business models to address digital infrastructure weaknesses that were exposed by Covid-19’s disruption to the economy and society.

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4 Ways to Avoid EDI Crisis Mode

Posted by Brooke Lester on May 2, 2018 2:51 PM

Remedi assists clients with many projects, issues, and routine maintenance. We thought we would take this opportunity to share one instance with you as we feel it’s information that can benefit our clients. In this project, we assisted a client with a project involving their Gentran Server Windows environment. The client updated their Windows operating system and that update caused the server hosting Gentran to stop booting. The underlying issue was a Windows Update issue and the client worked with Microsoft, but they could not resolve the Windows issue. Their EDI is the backbone of the business and they were in crisis mode.

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5 Things To Do About the Recent IBM Support Announcement

Posted by Charley Hughes on Oct 25, 2017 8:05 AM

Perhaps as an EDI professional you found yourself somewhere between curious and concerned by the recent IBM announcement that operating systems such as the iSeries and UNIX (most flavors) will no longer be supported when IBM rolls out its newest version of IBM Sterling B2B Integrator sometime next year.

Here are 5 things you can do to reduce the impact of that announcement.

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IBM Announces Major News for Sterling B2B Integrator and Sterling File Gateway

Posted by Scott Hulme on Oct 12, 2017 9:02 AM

On Thursday, October 5, 2017, IBM announced that with the next major version release of IBM’s Sterling B2B Integrator and Sterling File Gateway it will remove support for the following operating systems: iSeries, HP-UX, and Solaris. The next major release of B2B Integrator and Sterling File Gateway is scheduled for the middle of 2018, schedule subject to change. The version number for the next major release is still to be determined. This major release will only support Windows and Linux operating systems. Those clients that purchase the next major release new or upgrade to the next major release version, will need to run on Windows or Linux operating systems.

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