B2B Data Integration and Transformation Blog

B2B Integration Basics

Best Practices for Implementing Event-Driven Integration in Logistics

Posted by Brooke Lester on Jun 12, 2024 9:00 AM

Key takeaways:

  • Event-driven architecture is well-suited for logistics operations.
  • Don’t overlook robust security measures when implementing event-driven integration.
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Best Practices for Successful Data Integration Projects

Posted by Brooke Lester on May 29, 2024 3:29 PM

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose tools and technology that offer scalability.
  • Don’t neglect continual monitoring, particularly post-integration.
  • Maintain data integrity by implementing strong security protocols.
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How to Explain EDI to Your Boss (and Secure Funding for Your Next Project)

Posted by Dave Reyburn on May 22, 2024 11:55 AM

If you're an experienced EDI manager, you understand EDI’s role in seamless business operations. And you know how challenging it can be to convince non-technical decision-makers to invest in modern EDI solutions.

But what if you’re new to EDI? And you’re now responsible for managing your company’s EDI system, internal team, outside vendor—or all of the above?

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The Strategic Roadmap for Integrating AI into Your EDI Systems

Posted by Brooke Lester on Apr 16, 2024 2:43 PM

Key Takeaways

  • Move beyond traditional EDI limitations by integrating EDI into your organization’s workflows. This will allow you to achieve improved operational efficiency and result in cost savings.
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Strategies for Successful B2B Integration: Advice from Remedi

Posted by Brooke Lester on Jan 31, 2024 2:46 PM

Businesses today need easy collaboration with their trading partners. Without it, they risk falling behind. That’s where B2B integration is key, as it streamlines communication and data exchange between entities.

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