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Capitalizing on Our Freedoms!

Written by April Watts | Jul 13, 2016 6:34 PM

This past week, we celebrated the 4th of July.  This holiday is often filled with family gatherings, fireworks, cookouts and remembering our Freedoms that we enjoy.  In a recent blog that I read by John C. Maxwell he states, “I’ve often said that while we can’t choose what happens to us, we can choose how we respond to what happens to us.”  He references one of my favorite quotes by Viktor Frankl. “Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  You can read more of Mr. Maxwell’s blog at http://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/celebrating-your-freedoms

Mid-year is a great opportunity for us to re-visit our bigger-picture strategic goals.  As we look at our first half of the year from a business performance perspective, we can choose as Viktor Frankl says how we finish the year.  Remember those New Year’s resolutions and goals you set for yourself on January 1st?  Have you considered how you’re progressing towards them?  We have all probably looked at a couple of them and identify with being on track.  Beyond that, have we pulled out the whole list, brushed off the dust, and assessed our goals one by one to compare where we wanted to be by this time of the year?

In an article I read by Karen Caruso, Ph.D, she highlights “9 Mid-Year Review Questions” that we can ask ourselves and our teams to assess where we are with our goals.  You can also reference more on Dr. Caruso at http://web.viapeople.com/viapeople-blog/author/karen-n-caruso-ph-d

  • What goals and objectives have been accomplished so far?
  • How has performance related to goals and objectives measured up against the success criteria agreed upon at the start of the year?
  • What challenges emerged that had an impact on performance or goal accomplishment?
  • What goals and projects still need to be accomplished?
  • Which goals are no longer relevant or high priority? Should they be revised or removed from the priority list?
  • What new priorities or projects have surfaced that should be included as new goals?
  • What resources and support will be required to accomplish the goals that remain for the rest of the year?
  • What obstacles or challenges might hamper performance going forward?
  • What new knowledge, skills and capabilities will be required?

As you are going through and assessing your Mid-Year accomplishments of your EDI and Integration goals and objectives, there is still time to collaborate and strategize on how you finish the remainder of 2016! At Remedi, we are here to be your trusted advisor for your Integration, EDI and MFT.  It has been our honor to assist clients throughout the U.S. and Canada for over 22 years.  We take pride in assisting clients as they choose to modernize and strategically utilize their B2B and ecommerce environments.   For your complimentary assessment, you can contact Remedi at 614-436-4040.  We would welcome the opportunity to assist your team.