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Data Integration:  How Do You View It, Game Changer or the Status Quo?

Written by Scott Hulme | Nov 11, 2016 8:00 PM

This is the time of year that I spend talking with a lot of Remedi clients about how they are wrapping up 2016 and what their initiatives are for 2017.   I have noticed that these conversations over the past couple of years have changed from being a purely technical conversation with people mainly from our clients' IT departments to a more strategic conversation involving people from various areas of our clients' organizations including IT and lines of business.   Today, more and more of our clients are interested in how their data integration environments can become game changers within their organization.

Today's ultra-competitive, real-time information, and globalized business landscape requires companies to differentiate themselves from their competition in any way possible.  Data integration environments are now being looked at to be a competitive differentiator that helps companies separate them from their competition.  The availability of enhanced, sophisticated data integration solutions are allowing companies to modernize their data integration environments to take advantage of:

  • Automation
  • Real-time processing
  • Mobilization
  • Big data  


By implementing modernized data integration environments, companies are gaining advantages by streamlining the supply chain, improving visibility and insight into their data, understanding customers needs faster and more clearly, and increasing customer loyalty.  All of these advantages gained by modernizing their data integration environments are allowing companies to grow their revenue.  How do you view your data integration environment?  Is it simply a means of doing business and the status quo or is it a competitive differentiator and a way to help your organization stand apart from your competition? 

At Remedi, we have been assisting clients for over 22 years to help them understand the game changing, competitive differentiator that their data integration environments can be.  What's your data integration environment, the status quo or a game changer?  Give us a call to see how we can help unless you are content with seeing your competition pass you by.