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It's Vacation Time

Written by Scott Hulme | Jun 13, 2014 5:25 PM

School is out, the days are lasting longer, and the temperature is heating up.  Have you taken a look around your office lately?  Are there less people milling around your office or hanging out at the office water cooler?  It is that time of year when people take extended vacations, take more frequent long weekends, or simply take a random day or afternoon off here or there.

How does this affect your company and its production?  How does it affect your production individually? 

Having to cover for someone while they are out on vacation is being part of a team.  You cover for them and they cover for you.  Your workload may increase while you are covering for other team members that are out on vacation but you know that they do the same for you when you are recharging your battery while on vacation.   But sometimes, there is just too much work to be supported effectively by your current staff.  What I have found is that careful preparation and planning can help to ease the burden both to the company and to the individuals that are covering for the other team members out of the office.
REMEDI has been assisting companies for years to plan for and mitigate the risk associated with having key employees out of the office.  Having the right resource available to our clients has helped them bridge the gap of their regular employees and the knowledge that they possess with an experienced and qualified short term support resource to fill the void.  Many people prefer to play the role of the support resource to engage in short stays at companies to support them while employees are out on vacation.  These support resources get to work in a variety of different companies and industries throughout a given year.  They enjoy the new environments and the different people they meet and they bring a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective to the companies they support.

Next time you are planning on having key EDI team members out of the office, make a plan to help bridge the gap so you have the support you need in place.  This is a great way to continue to allow your employees to take the time off that they well deserve while not taxing your current staff.  It also allows your company to provide the same excellent products and services you normally experience when fully staffed.  Feel free to contact me to see how a REMEDI support resource can help bridge the employee and knowledge gaps during this busy vacation season.