The world of information technology (IT) is full of acronyms: EDI, EAI, ETL, B2B, B2C, and MFT, just to name a few. MFT, or managed file transfer, is increasingly becoming more important to companies and gaining the spotlight as companies understand the value of reliable data and how it correlates to increasing revenue and profit. Providing a secure and reliable means to move data internally within your company and externally to your customers, suppliers, vendors, and business partners should be an extremely important part of your company's overall IT plan.
MFT seems straight forward but actually can be more complex than initially thought. MFT has four distinct components to connect people and organizations: person-to-person, person-to-application, application-to-person, and application-to-application. Within the file transfers that happen with these four components, think of all of the different types of data that are being exchanged. Crucial financial information, sensitive employee information, legal data, and confidential sales and marketing information are just a few of the many types of classified and vital information that is being exchanged on a daily basis both inside and outside the walls of your company.
Information and data flowing within and to and from your organization should be exchanged in a secure and reliable manner that can support various file sizes and that can be visible to those key employees that must be able to administer and manage it daily. Companies that have no sound and supported MFT infrastructure are exposed to various threats and risks that a fully vetted, proven, and supported MFT infrastructure can mitigate. Taking a moment to review your current MFT infrastructure and plan may allow you to identify areas of risk and unsupported policies that must be addressed to ensure that your organization is fully compliant and protected.
What role does MFT play within your enterprise and do you understand the value of having a sound MFT infrastructure and roadmap? If you are unsure about your current or future MFT plans within your organization, please feel free to contact me directly to discuss how Remedi has helped its clients for the past 20 years to understand and create a sound roadmap to ensure that their MFT infrastructure is properly architected and designed both now and for the future.