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The Significance of Relationships!

Written by April Watts | Dec 9, 2016 1:00 PM

We are quickly approaching the end of 2016 and getting ready to ring in the New Year!  This can be a very busy time for all of us with company holiday events, wrapping up end of the year business projects, and putting together strategic plans for a successful new year.    This is also the time of the year that most people review how the current year has impacted their business and what factors will propel them to greater heights in the coming season.

At Remedi, our clients are and have always been the life of our business.  As we approach our 23rd year, we recognize that the relationships that we have built with our clients over the years have propelled us in reaching new levels in our “niche” based focus of EDI, B2B, MFT and Commerce industries. 

According to Bloomberg, around 11,000 business books are published each year.  This year, New York Times Best Selling author, Dave Kerpen was recognized in Inc. with one of the top business books for 2016.  In his book called “The Art of People” he talks about the importance of building the right relationships and how they can impact your professional and personal life. 

As we move into 2017, Remedi wants to take this opportunity to thank you for putting your trust in us and we welcome the opportunity to serve your EDI, B2B and MFT needs in the future. You can view some examples of our success stories on our blog.

Have a safe and enjoyable Holiday and Happy New Year from the Remedi Family.