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3 B2B Integration Best Practices in 2019

Written by Brooke Lester | Jun 5, 2019 1:57 PM

When you are about to embark on a project or initiative, it helps to study best practices to achieve success. However, as technology changes, sometimes best practices evolve, too. It is crucial to keep up-to-date with best practices so that your project gives you the results for which you are looking.

The same holds true for B2B integration. In 2019, B2B integration best practices have developed even further. Read on to learn why you should identify business needs, build in scalability, and choose intuitive tools.

Identify Business Needs

It is tempting to think about what tools are on the market and make your choice based on that information. That is not the best approach, though.

A crucial B2B integration best practice is considering what your business needs, rather than what integration solutions are available. Why is that important? Your company is unique; it has its own workflows and its own way of doing things. You do not want to choose a solution that will force you to completely overhaul your workflows and processes.

“You do not want a solution that forces you to overhaul your workflows and processes.”

When you are thinking about your business needs, try to think about what it might require in the future, too. While you cannot predict what will happen down the line, you do not want to lock yourself into a solution that is not flexible and cannot adapt to new technologies.

Build in Scalability

Ask yourself this: what happens when your company grows after you implement a B2B integration solution? Will that solution be able to grow with you, or will you be faced with a problem because it cannot scale?

Another B2B integration best practice is to build scalability into B2B integration solutions. You can even do it in a way that is environmentally friendly; data federation and data services enable you to assemble data sets on the fly without having to create permanent databases that consume server resources.

Choose Intuitive Tools

You might have heard or read about the benefits of B2B integration, and how it will add value to your business. That is only the case if the B2B integration process is smooth and hassle-free. You can achieve that outcome when you use intuitive tools.

The last B2B integration best practice we will discuss is the importance of choosing intuitive tools to perform B2B integration. B2B integration is a crucial business process, and you want it to be successful. If the people carrying it out do not understand how to use the B2B integration tools you have chosen, you will not get the results you want.

“If the team carrying out B2B integration does not know how to use the tools you have chosen, you will not get the results you want.”

Following B2B integration best practices is crucial to achieving success. What is equally important is ensuring that you are following the most up-to-date best practices. What worked even five years ago might not work in today’s technological landscape. That is why choosing an experienced B2B integration expert with knowledge of cutting-edge methodologies is essential.

Are you ready to integrate?