Another Year in the Books...

Posted by Brad Loetz on Jul 16, 2009 1:56 PM

We have completed our 15th year in business! In many respects it seems as though it was just yesterday. In other respects the integration business has been through a lot of changes. REMEDI and our clients have endured those changes, not to mention three economic downturns of major significance. Fortunately, we are in a niche that assists clients in enhancing productivity and efficiency, along with reducing cost.
calendarWe would like to thank all those who made the last 15 years possible, and, we'll be counting on you for a few more :-)

It's funny to look back at the inception of the company and consider the things of 1994...
  • The White House launches its first web page
  • Initial ecommerce sites were established
  • $1.16 - Price of regular gasoline/gallon
  • $0.29 - Cost of a first-class stamp
  • Forrest Gump - Top grossing movie of the year
  • ER and Friends - Premiered on NBC
  • The O.J. high speed chase (where were you for that one?)

All joking aside we are most proud of what has been accomplished in service to our clients. We have helped customers traverse through several cycles of economic turbulence. We have provided clients with expert service while maintaining our quality, integrity, and positioning within the industry as a value option to utilization of the big players, and a stable option with resource depth as compared to the 1 or 2 person show.

Thanks again to all those who have contributed to REMEDI's success.