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How Do Your Security Needs Impact B2B Integration Choices?

Written by Brooke Lester | Jun 12, 2018 10:56 AM

Digital security measures are vital in this day and age to protect businesses. While every company needs some kind of baseline security in place, some firms need significantly greater security. For those firms, security needs can actually impact their technology choices.

B2B integration solutions are actually a great example of this. There are some B2B integration approaches which are more suitable for some businesses than others. Read on for what you need to keep in mind when choosing a B2B integration solution based on your security needs.

What Types of B2B Integration Solutions Exist?

There are four B2B integration options (deployment mechanisms) available to you: on-premises, hosted, cloud, and hybrid.

On-premises deployments refer to when integration software is installed at an organization’s server on-site. Hosted B2B integration solutions are installed on off-site servers. Cloud B2B integration solutions are delivered over the Internet, and hybrid deployments combine two or more of the aforementioned methods.

What Are Some of the Most Important Security Factors to Consider?

When comparing and evaluating which delivery mechanism to use, consider the following topics under the general heading of security concerns:

  • Control (Data, Processes, Features)
  • Transparency (Data Location, Security, Backups)
  • Protocols and Standards Supported
  • Level of Trust
  • Risk (Financial, SLA, Backlogs)
  • Regulations and Sensitivity of Data
  • Compliance and Certifications

As you compare your options, try to determine how each of these factors impact your B2B integration strategies. Ask yourself:

  • Which of these security considerations are most important in my organization and industry?
  • Do requirements in any of these broad security areas narrow my options for B2B deployment mechanisms?
  • How might an examination of these questions inform my strategy?

How Do These B2B Integration Deployments Stack up Security-Wise?

When it comes to answering the question of how secure each deployment is, the answer will be, “it depends.”

To illustrate, consider on-premises deployments. When you deploy a B2B integration solution onsite, you own the integration software. You are responsible for its maintenance and support, and since that is the case, you are also responsible for running it in a secure environment.

If your firm’s digital security measures are not that strong in the first place, then an on-premises deployment will not be that secure. However, if you perform all of the necessary maintenance, upgrades, and practices to your environment and that process is assured, an on-premises deployment is a good choice.

On the other hand, take a look at hosted and cloud B2B integration deployments. In this arrangement, the service provider is responsible for security. This shifts the burden to someone else, but it also raises the question of how secure the service provider really is. Many service providers boast some of the most stringent security certifications on the market, but it still pays to do your research before entrusting your security to a service provider.

Your security needs will depend on your industry as well as those of your customers and their demands or preferences. Highly regulated industries can be mandated to use on-premises deployments because of security concerns.

Your customers might also have certain requirements, either due to their industry or because they have security concerns of their own. They might refuse to allow a third party to handle their data, ruling out a hosted or cloud deployment.

Security is a vital consideration regardless of the deployment you chose. Even if you are not in a highly regulated industry, global legal environments have changed to protect data to the greatest extent possible. Violating data protection laws is surprisingly easy nowadays (and terribly expensive for the firms involved).

Looking for additional information?  Get immediate access to a deeper dive inRemedi's Quick Guide to B2B Integration Choices: On-Premises, Hosted, Cloud, and Hybrid Solutions.  This handy comparison chart contains information to make your choice easier. 

A trusted expert can help guide you through the process of choosing the right B2B integration solution deployment for your needs. A partner understands your unique situation and will work with you to find the best B2B integration deployment for your company. To learn more, contact us.