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IBM Acquisition Expands MFT Portfolio

Written by Scott Story | Jan 21, 2014 4:33 PM

IBM has completed yet another acquisition….seems like we hear that a lot, but this latest IBM purchase has caught my attention and will undoubtedly catch the interest of some of Remedi’s customers. 

The latest company acquired by IBM is Aspera. Aspera provides a managed file transfer (MFT) solution that some pretty big-named companies use, for example Apple with iTunes.  Before Apple started using Aspera software, it sometimes took 3.5 hours to upload large video files.  With Aspera, the upload time decreased to around 5 minutes that is 99.9 percent faster.  These types of managed file transfer speeds along with optimized latency, bottlenecks, and other factors will have a direct impact to secure managed file transfer requirements. This will grow IBMs MFT portfolio to six products boasting a product offering for any business need, small file transfers to "Big Data".

The acquisition was just completed, so as an IBM Premier Business Partner, Remedi is still gathering additional product and licensing information.   Here is a link to the IBM press release and a couple additional articles regarding the Aspera acquisition.  Keep a look out for additional product information from Remedi and www.remedi.com.

IBM Press Release 


