In an effort to provide you with the most current product information, we wanted to pass a long a brief update for those who have GENTRAN, Sterling B2B Integrator or File Gateway installations.
The last versions of these products released by Sterling Commerce before being acquired by IBM are quickly approaching their End of Support Dates (see below). Current versions of these products are available for download in your IBM Passport Advantage or Passport Express account if you are current on Software Subscription & Support (SS&S).
Note that in addition to the GENTRAN 4/30/2015 EOS date which has been announced for some time, you will also find recently announced Sterling B2B Integrator and File Gateway EOS dates of 1/31/2016.
- End of Support (EOS) means that IBM will no longer support, update, or provide patches for these versions of the software. EOS does not mean that these products are "going away", it simply means that you are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest version.
- End of Life (EOL) for a product means that IBM will not be releasing a new version of this product and the product is being replaced by a new product with similar functionality.
While you still have the option to utilize EOS and EOL products and they are able to be supported by your internal staff and Business Partner Resources, simply stated these products/versions are no longer supported by IBM.
EOS Product | Version | EOS Date | Current Version |
Sterling Gentran:Server for Windows | 5.1 | 4/30/2015 | 5.3 |
Sterling Gentran:Server for iSeries | 3.4 | 4/30/2015 | 3.6 |
Sterling Gentran:Server for Unix | 6.0.2 | 4/30/2015 | 6.2 |
Sterling Gentran for zSeries (Basic, Plus, Realtime, Control, Viewpoint) | 6.4 | 4/30/2015 | 6.6 |
Sterling B2B Integrator | 5.1 | 1/31/2016 | 5.2.5 |
Sterling File Gateway | 2.1 | 1/31/2016 | 2.2.5 |
Sterling Connect Enterprise for Unix | ALL | 12/31/2015 | Product is going EOL |
If you have delayed upgrading your Gentran software because of budgeting, staffing or time Remedi has assisted many customers with these upgrades in the past and we would be happy to discuss our project plan with you.
Interested in learning more about the future of GENTRAN as it relates to the comprehensive integration suite Sterling B2B Integrator? Register now for this upcoming "Coffee Break" with IBM and Remedi.