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What EDI Professionals Are Reporting As Challenges And Opportunities

Written by Tracy Loetz | May 2, 2013 2:03 PM

I am catching up on my reading today and ran across a survey that has some great statistics that I would like to share.  The information is from a report called The World Without Us - Results from the EDI Professionals Survey by Ann Grackin from ChainLink Research.

Below are some of the statistics I found interesting:
  • EDI is critical to business, yet it appears that almost half (49%) of corporate management may be taking it for granted.
  • Sixty-eight percent of those surveyed said there was no contingency for their illness or future retirement.
  • When asked about the "personal situation" of the team, more than 21% told us they are struggling, hampered by old tools and poor management.
  • The connection (integration) to internal systems poses the biggest challenge. As a result, over 50% of time is allocated to support rather than addressing new efforts.
While I don't think these statistics are surprising to those in the EDI group or department, maybe they could pass them on to their manager :)
To get a free copy of the full report, you can register at ChainLink Research.