B2B Data Integration and Transformation Blog{% if not request.query_dict.hs_amp %}{% if current_page_num == 0 %} [Full Article List]{% elif current_page_num == 1 %}{% else %} [Page {{ current_page_num }}]{% endif %}{% endif %}


Written by Brad Loetz | May 12, 2010 12:18 PM
For those not familiar with our semi-monthly e-newsletter, THINKRONIZATION, it is the thinking person's newsletter for business and data integration professionals who are focused on the synchronization of systems, business, and data.

The newsletter is something we published years ago as the "REMEDI rEsource", mothballed for a while, dusted off in August 2009 and has been since known as THINKRONIZATION.

As in the past the content contains thought leadership pieces focused on news, research, trends, services, and placement information, within the IT disciplines of Business-to-Business Integration (B2Bi), Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Data Integration (DI), and Business Intelligence (BI).

Now with 5 of the most recent editions down, we could use your input on themes to focus on in future editions.

Check out past editions, and subscribe for future ones.

Thanks in advance for your ideas.