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Topics: Stage Is Set For A Great 2010, Supplier Enablement Opportunity

Written by Brad Loetz | Feb 9, 2010 2:06 PM

Thinkronization Newsletter - February 2010

Happy New Year from REMEDI. By now we hope you have come to enjoy the pieces we publish semi-monthly as "Thinkronization", the thinking person's E-newsletter for bringing business together. For those who are new or unfamiliar, the newsletter is for professionals focused on the integration of systems and electronic collaboration with business partners. The content contains news, articles, research, trends, blog posts, and consulting service and placement pieces, related to Business-to-Business Integration (B2Bi) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).

The Stage Is Set For A Great 2010

While 2009 presented the world economic challenges that many have not seen in their lifetime, folks persevered and are planning for what we all hope and expect to be a great 2010. Certain events occurred in 2009 that we believe set the stage for recovery. Economists believe the "Great Recession" ended in early summer. And while job losses were still occurring, they decreased in number as the year came to a close. The Labor Department also reported that the second quarter productivity rate jumped by 6.6%, the largest advance since 2003. And finally, sustainable or not, Wall Street bounced from early 2009 lows to a respectable year end close due to corporate productivity and profitability.

So the stage is set for a great 2010. Where and how do we see the recovery unfolding, particularly as it relates to B2Bi and enterprise integration? We believe to support their organizations business integration management will seek solutions that maximize return on investment in integration tools, enhance productivity, and improve the customer experience by continuing their pursuit of the perfect transaction. A perfect transaction or series of transactions (a business process) being a touch-free error-free event across, or within, organizations. While much sought after, and seldom accomplished, the perfect transaction would yield incredible advantages to organizations able to achieve this goal. In addition to this ultimate goal we believe IT management in 2010, regardless of their area of responsibility, will seek solutions/services with a low total cost of ownership, with vendor managed risk, from parties that are able to manage and execute solution delivery, where providers are long term and positive outcome oriented, are viewed as thought leaders in their field, and have relevant references.

2010 Holds Opportunity In Supplier Enablement...

As we closed 2009, while catching up on some reading, we stumbled across some Aberdeen Group research. The piece concerned supplier enablement across the world, and was shocking. North America (34%) lags Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) (36%) and Asia/Pacific (41%) in electronically processed purchase orders. Paper requisitioning costs versus EDI requisitioning is as follows across the regions...EMEA $42.90/paper order and $34.05/EDI order, North America $37.45/paper order and $23.83/EDI order, Asia/Pacific $23.90/paper order and $14.78/EDI order.

There are numerous conclusions one can draw from the body of the research but two things were obvious to me from the above. With 34% of North American supplier orders being processed electronically, we still have the opportunity to squeeze a lot of costs from the supply chain with EDI, integration, and business network collaboration. Also, the multi country/culture/currency complexities of the EMEA region definitely increases the cost of procurement, and we would say doing business in general.

Catch Part 2 of the analysis.

Sterling Commerce™ Customer Connection 2010

Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center
April 12-14, 2010 - Dallas, Texas

The Customer Connection 2010 conference in Dallas is fast approaching, just less than 9 weeks away. As a frequent attendee, and Sterling Partner, we like the conference for the product and enhancement knowledge we gain, for understanding the future direction of the company, and for staying in tune with the evolution of the B2B and Enterprise Integration industry. Information collected at the conference helps us tune our perspectives in the advisory roll we play with clients.

Another wonderful benefit of attending this event is that it allows REMEDI personnel the opportunity to reconnect with clients, prospects, consultants, industry analysts, and Sterling Commerce contacts. Give us a shout if you happen to be attending, we would enjoy meeting with you at the conference to "connect, communicate, and collaborate".

If you are unable to attend, but are interested in certain product information (enhancements, release information, planned functionality, etc.), let us know. We would happy to inquire on your behalf and report back our findings. We also offer a conference summary report after each Sterling Customer Connection Conference. It has been reported by recipients that could not make it in years past, that this offer and conference summary was of great value.

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REMEDI has finally joined the Twitter scene. Follow us for information and links to opportunities, company announcements, research, articles, blog posts...and whatever else you can communicate in 140 characters.