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Accelerate Your Digital B2B Connectivity Efforts

Written by Brooke Lester | Jul 15, 2020 8:31 PM

The way B2B companies buy and sell is changing. Customers are no longer ordering out of catalogs after holding face-to-face meetings with salespeople. Rather, they’re turning to ordering products online.

To be able to attract and retain customers, you need to accelerate your digital B2B connectivity efforts. Read on to learn how our EDI consultants and EDI managed services can help you. ON-PREMISE? HOSTED? CLOUD? HYBRID?

What Is Digital B2B Connectivity?

Digital B2B connectivity has two components: digital connectivity and B2B connectivity.

“B2B connectivity” refers to one business doing company with another company. “Digital connectivity” means that companies buy products off of websites. Therefore, digital B2B connectivity is B2B sales through digital portals.

Why Does Digital B2B Connectivity Matter?

The importance of digital B2B connectivity is growing in importance for B2B firms because more and more buyers are purchasing goods online. In 2019, digital B2B sales grew from $8.1 trillion to $9 trillion, an increase of almost 11%.

B2B buyers love the convenience of buying online. The effect of COVID-19 on B2B sales means that it’s also easier and more effective to shop online now.

How Can You Achieve Digital B2B Connectivity?

The linchpins of digital B2B connectivity are EDI systems and APIs.

APIs stand for application programming interfaces. They allow a user to connect to a service and consume it. Here’s an example: you use an application to order an item online. APIs connect the app to the company’s database, so you can see a picture of the product, its description, features, and price.

“EDI systems and APIs are the linchpin of digital B2B connectivity”

Why do APIs play a role in digital B2B connectivity? They work with EDI systems to deliver instant information, easier onboarding, and to overcome the deficiencies other architectures present. EDI systems will remain a stalwart in the B2B buying space, while APIs bolster their work.

REMEDI: Helping Companies Accelerate Their Digital B2B Connectivity Efforts

REMEDI can help companies accelerate their digital B2B connectivity efforts. We have a team of EDI consultants that offer comprehensive EDI and integration services. More importantly, we forge long-term relationships with our clients that allow them to stay sustainable and efficient.

One of our clients, a global building products manufacturer, worked with REMEDI’s EDI consultants to ensure its EDI system meets the needs of all trading partners. The EDI consultants deliver  services to keep data continuously flowing through the network.

“REMEDI forges long-term relationships with our clients that keep them efficient and sustainable”

As a result of working with REMEDI, the manufacturer has reduced its administrative overhead, rapidly onboards new trading partners, and benefits from a positive reputation because it can meet trading partners' needs quickly.

Our 25 years of experience in delivering EDI and integration services has given us unique insight into how to boost digital B2B connectivity. We understand how to meld APIs with EDI systems for the best results for you and your trading partners so that you can continue to thrive in an uncertain market.  Are You Ready to integrate?