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Control Your Integration Destiny (and Costs) with Co-Sourcing

Written by Brooke Lester | Nov 18, 2021 6:36 PM

Henry Ford once said, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Sometimes, to get ahead, we need to find the right partners. When it comes to B2B integration, that can be a scary prospect – many companies believe managed integration services mean that you must give up control over your data.

That isn’t the case, though. In this article, we’ll look at how managed integration services can benefit your business.

What Are Managed Integration Services?

First off, not every managed integration services company has the same definition of these services.

Remedi defines managed integration services as co-sourcing rather than outsourcing. The difference is that traditional outsourcing involves the client turning over control of its B2B integration solutions (from software hosting to management and everything in between) to a third party. Remedi’s co-sourcing arrangement gives companies more flexibility and control: your business owns or rents your B2B integration solution.

‘Remedi defines managed integration services as co-sourcing rather than outsourcing.’

B2B integration solutions reside on-premises, on a public/private cloud, or are delivered through an integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS). Remedi manages and monitors our clients’ B2B integration solutions.

Co-Sourcing: You Don’t Have to Give Up Control

One of the parts of outsourcing that concerns companies is that they’re giving up significant control of their B2B integration solutions. With co-sourcing, that isn’t the case.

You choose how much control you allow your co-sourcing partner. For example, do you want the co-sourcing partner to manage everything? Or would you rather let the co-sourcing partner manage less-sensitive data so you don’t have to worry about regulatory issues?

Co-Sourcing Leads to Cost Savings

One of the benefits of keeping B2B integration solutions in-house is that you have complete control. That complete control comes at a price, however.

You have to pay the salaries and benefits for staff. Let’s also not forget about how much it costs to find and hire the right people as well as train them.

‘Complete control of B2B integration solutions comes at a price.’

Hiring a co-sourcing partner reduces those costs. Moreover, the pandemic has normalized remote work; you now have access to talent across the country without worrying about travel or per diem expenses.

Additionally, choosing a co-sourcing partner can reduce other costs such as chargebacks. Paying penalties for not meeting SLAs has long been seen as an irritating cost of doing business, but it comes from not complying with customer demands. A co-sourcing partner works with you to significantly reduce errors, which saves time and money.

‘Choosing a co-sourcing partner can reduce other costs such as chargebacks.’

Finally, a co-sourcing company has the knowledge to get the highest possible ROI from B2B integration solutions. Consultants are specialists with deep experience in B2B integration solutions, and they understand their clients’ workflows. As such, they can advise clients on how to use the solutions as effectively as possible to see the greatest value.

Co-sourcing offers the best of both worlds: customizable control and cost savings. Integrate. Then Dominate.