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Integration And EDI Software End Of Support Dates - TIE Kinetix & IBM Updated

Written by Tracy Loetz | Aug 13, 2014 8:05 PM

Getting end of support dates for EDI/B2B software is proving to be a tougher task than I thought!  As I mentioned in my last blog, I wanted to complile a list of products that may be coming up on end of support dates to provide you with information related to your product and the potential next steps.

I'm still working on getting information from Cleo/EXTOL and OpenText/GXS/Inovis, but I did receive some information from TIE Kinetix.

TIE Kinetix will continue support for the older versions of their products, but they are encouraging customers on spEDI map and eVision 4.x and 5.x to upgrade to eVision 7.0.  eVision 7.0 has many new features that include faster processing, automated monitoring, and many more.....

Going back to my last post a few weeks back titled IBM Integration And EDI Software End Of Support Dates, I understand that the "end of life" statement I made caused some confusion.  Just to clarify, IBM Sterling Gentran will still be a future product line, although they will be retiring older versions of the product. 

If you are considering an upgrade or new software suite, Remedi can assist with a variety of products such as TIE, Gentran, and Sterling B2B Integrator.  If you're a Gentran Unix user, ask us about our X-Link conversion product to make your transition to Sterling B2B Integrator a little easier!