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Is Your IT Staff Working to Its Highest and Best Purpose?

Written by Brooke Lester | May 19, 2021 3:41 PM

Your IT staff keeps your organization’s IT assets working effectively so that you can work at the speed of business. Yet, do they spend most of their time putting out fires, or do their activities add actual value to the company?

It might surprise you, but the proper integration solutions can help your IT department work more efficiently. Read on to learn how modern integration solutions enable your IT team to deliver greater value to your company. See some of our recent data integration success stories.

The State of Enterprise IT Today

The state of enterprise IT today looks quite different than it did two decades ago. In the early 2000s, the IT department had virtually complete control over the applications employees used within the enterprise. Over the years, IT solutions became more consumer-friendly, and suddenly, non-IT-sanctioned apps made their way into the workplace.

Now, the IT staff must contend with new applications (many of which don’t have built-in enterprise-grade security) and ensure that legacy software and applications continue to function. There are also new streams of information available, including IoT, blockchain, and APIs. For the IT department, the question becomes, “How can we integrate those new streams of information so decision-makers can choose the right path forward for the business?”

Modern Integration Strategies and Your IT Department

Modern integration strategies allow your IT department to reach its best and highest purpose. How is that possible?

A modern integration strategy enables the integration of legacy software and applications as well as new streams of information into the enterprise. Modern integration solutions bridge the gaps that legacy technology creates (specifically, it doesn’t “talk” to newer software). They also address data silos and data heterogeneity (data is stored in more than one format).

“Modern integration solutions enable greater business efficiency.”

With a modern integration solution, your IT department will spend less time processing transactions or supporting those who do. Automated processes free up their resources to work on more valuable activities, such as solving complex business problems and maintaining digital security.

Additionally, modern integration solutions take far less time to deploy than traditional integration systems. Not only can your firm start seeing ROI in a matter of weeks, but your IT department is freed up sooner to begin working on other tasks aside from deployment.

“Today’s integration strategies provide greater insights into your supply chain.”

Managing modern integration solutions is simpler, too. All of the information the IT staff needs is in one place – they don’t have to spend time managing point systems (which are more fragile than modern integration solutions).

With modern integration solutions, your IT team spends less time trying to solve the problems stemming from SLA violations and data errors and more time innovating new solutions that make your company more efficient and profitable.

Choose the Right Integration Strategies for Your Company

Choosing the proper integration strategies benefits your IT department – team members have more time to devote to valuable activities that drive the company forward. You reap the benefits of greater efficiency and growth. Integrate. Then Dominate.