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Top B2B Integration Benefits by Industry

Written by Brooke Lester | Jan 15, 2020 6:50 PM

B2B integration tools are used in, and useful to, a variety of industries. While the use cases for these industries look different, B2B integration tools can actually provide the same benefits to these disparate companies.

Read on to learn how B2B integration tools help the financial industry, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail industries, and how it makes each of those industries more efficient.

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The Benefits of B2B Integration Tools in the Financial Industry

Financial EDI refers to the electronic transfer of information in a standardized, machine-readable format. Companies transmit payments, information about payments, or other financial documents.

As mentioned, efficiency is the major benefit that B2B integration tools deliver to a number of industries, including the financial sector. How so? B2B integration tools remove the need for human intervention; no one needs to enter data manually, send emails, or try to scan or fax documents. Computers send information automatically and accurately.

B2B Integration Tools in Healthcare: Increasing Efficiency

The healthcare field is another sector in which B2B integration tools have a noticeable positive impact. In fact, healthcare EDI is actually a legal requirement, thanks to HIPAA.

There is a reason healthcare EDI was mandated by the federal government; it makes operations more efficient by reducing errors. Again, B2B integration tools virtually eliminate the need for human intervention. Computers send information back and forth, faster and more accurately than humans can. Accuracy, coupled with speed, saves time and money.

The Advantages of B2B Integration Tools in Manufacturing

Manufacturing has changed dramatically, thanks to technological developments. The Internet of Things, mobile devices, and the cloud are just three technologies that are part of a new era for this industry. There is an influx of information that was not previously available to manufacturers.

That is where B2B integration tools come into play. They bring all of those strands of information into one place, so you do not waste time and effort trying to understand what is going on in your supply chain. You can make better decisions when you can combine that information to reveal new insights.

Why Use B2B Integration Tools in the Retail Industry?

In retail, efficiency is not just some lofty goal. If you cannot process orders quickly and accurately or stock the right amount of inventory, you will lose ground to your competitors.

B2B integration tools help retailers operate more efficiently. Because these tools send information electronically and automatically, there is no risk that a purchase order will languish in someone’s email inbox. POs, advance ship notices, and other important notifications arrive almost immediately, so orders can be processed quickly and you get paid faster.

“B2B integration tools help retailers operate more efficiently.”

There are use cases for B2B integration tools in a number of industries. Yet, B2B integration tools can deliver the same benefit – greater efficiency – for every sector in which it is used. These tools increase the accuracy and speed at which information is shared between firms, making them more efficient. That is a win for everyone.