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Why Leveraging Managed Services for DIY EDI & Integration Is a Smart Move

Written by Brooke Lester | May 23, 2018 6:30 PM

There is a common misconception about the DIY approach; many people believe either you carry out every single step of the IT project yourself, or you hand it off entirely to someone else. With B2B integration, that need not be the case.

There is room for a hybrid method, in which you do some of the work yourself and allow an IT managed services provider to manage your strategic connections or infrastructure. Choosing an IT managed services provider offers you the peace of mind that your environment is in good hands, while can focus on doing what you do best – running your business.

When Should You Turn to an Integration or EDI Managed Services Provider?

There are two common situations in which businesses turn to a managed services provider: when your employees lack the expertise to carry out required duties (such as B2B integration), or when you lack the human resources to regularly complete the required integration work.

Your employees might not always have the knowledge or skills to handle full spectrum B2B integration themselves. That is understandable because your core business is probably not about conducting B2B integrations. Managed services provider can assist you by managing your integration environment in-house.

The other situation is that your employees might have the knowledge and skills, but they simply do not have the time or there simply are not enough of them to effectively complete a B2B integration initiatives. Again, managed services firms play a key role in ensuring that your integration infrastructure keeps your business running.

Thoughts and Considerations When Choosing an Integration or EDI Managed Services Provider?

What do IT managed services providers do? These companies maintain your B2B integration environment in-house. That means you still own and control the infrastructure, but you do not bear the burden of maintaining it and performing business, systems, and data integrations yourself.

While there are several benefits to utilizing a managed services provider, choosing the right one is also key. Some things to consider when you’re researching which provider meets your business needs:

  • Experience: Some industries have unique requirements and regulatory obligations, be sure that you’re choosing a provider that not only has EDI/B2B integration experience but experience within your industry.
  • Cost: There are various levels of service, explore what is included in the levels to be sure you’re getting the best value and expertise to meet your needs.
  • Reliability: Make sure the company you choose has a good track record not only with meeting SLA’s but longevity in the business. Choose a managed services provider that can support you not only when the system is running smoothly but also have a quick response when things aren’t.

A managed services provider allows you to focus on your core business. Your company does not specialize in B2B integration, so why should you devote your time and resources to it? An IT managed services provider frees you up to pursue new business innovations or opportunities.

DIY does not have to mean that you do everything yourself. Turn to a managed services provider for successful B2B integration execution. To learn more,contact us today!