B2B Data Integration and Transformation Blog

Articles by Charley Hughes

Charley Hughes

Charley Hughes has successfully placed a wide spectrum of job seekers into career-advancing positions during his eighteen years as an Information Technology Recruiter, and now works exclusively with EDI, EAI, and eCommerce professionals across North America. Charley makes his home in Ohio with his wife of 29 years. He and Amy are the proud parents of two grown sons.

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EDI Recruiting and the Do No Harm Philosophy

Posted by Charley Hughes on Feb 27, 2018 4:12 PM

Don't you hate it when you must admit you were wrong?

For twenty years as a technical recruiter I have shared with many candidates that my number one goal in working with them is to "First, do no harm", citing the basis of my philosophy on the Hippocratic Oath often taken by graduating physicians. I explain the importance I place on working to ensure that my interactions with passive candidates and active job seekers are professional and taking a long term view of things. After all, I have the privilege of walking alongside some outstanding EDI professionals who are making important decisions that will affect both their livelihood and career trajectory. It is a privilege I do not take lightly.

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5 Things To Do About the Recent IBM Support Announcement

Posted by Charley Hughes on Oct 25, 2017 8:05 AM

Perhaps as an EDI professional you found yourself somewhere between curious and concerned by the recent IBM announcement that operating systems such as the iSeries and UNIX (most flavors) will no longer be supported when IBM rolls out its newest version of IBM Sterling B2B Integrator sometime next year.

Here are 5 things you can do to reduce the impact of that announcement.

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Two Quick Thoughts: Inbound and Outbound Management

Posted by Charley Hughes on Aug 15, 2017 3:12 PM

Inbound and Outbound Management

Two Quick Thoughts

My Dad sparked my desire to fly real airplanes by introducing my brothers and me to remote control model airplanes as kids.  Some of those training flights went well. Others not so much. Memories  of tediously built model airplanes hurtling earthward as father and son wrestle over the controls have become dinner table lore retold at holiday gatherings. Dad says “Ok, let me help”.  Son says (while running away with his back turned or so the story goes) “No, I got it, I got it, I……thwwaaackkk!”. Over time, Dad began to recognize when to step in and help and when to let us (literally) spread our wings and fly on our own.

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The Then and Now of E-Commerce

Posted by Charley Hughes on Nov 23, 2016 10:48 AM

Two Quick Thoughts

I’ll make my two thoughts especially quick because I know it is a shorter week for many.   In the spirit of the season here are two things to consider before you plunge headlong into this Thanksgiving’s tryptophan induced coma.

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Two Quick Thoughts: Challenge and Discipline

Posted by Charley Hughes on Sep 7, 2016 10:30 AM

Every four years the world turns its attention to the Summer Olympic Games and the athletes who inspire us. Is your favorite part of the Olympics the opening ceremony, closing ceremony, an event like swimming, track, or gymnastics? Or, as a manager of people is it instead the

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