B2B Data Integration and Transformation Blog

Articles by Kelly Nichols

Kelly Nichols

Kelly is an Integration Recruiter with ten years of experience placing consultants in the technology field. He has been with Remedi Electronic Commerce Group for the past six years working exclusively with EDI, EAI, and eCommerce professionals across North America.

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How Working with a Recruiter Can Enhance Your Job or Candidate Search

Posted by Kelly Nichols on Jan 5, 2023 8:30 AM

Has it been a long time since you have interviewed for a job? How do you prepare for an interview? If you're hiring, how do you find the most qualified candidates? These are great questions. If you’ve been in the same position for several years, things have changed since the last time you were in the market for a new job. Companies use different methods and styles and you need to be ready to adapt.

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How Do I Become An EDI Developer?

Posted by Kelly Nichols on Apr 8, 2022 12:45 PM

As a recruiter, I’ve had many people ask me “How do I become an EDI developer?” There’s no simple answer. Historically, an EDI coordinator or EDI business analyst who wanted to become an EDI developer would be trained on their company’s EDI tool and their career would evolve internally.

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Tips for Video Interviews

Posted by Kelly Nichols on Dec 5, 2017 9:01 AM

With the advancement of technology and the increase of internet speeds, we are seeing more and more clients request video interviews instead of face to face for contract, contract to hire and permanent positions. This is huge because it gives clients more access to a wider range of candidates without having to fly them all onsite.

Here are some tips to help you have a successful video interview. Most of your video interviews are usually conducted in a home.

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EDI Professionals: The Importance of References

Posted by Kelly Nichols on Sep 14, 2017 8:25 AM

There is no better call to make than to offer someone a position. I have been a recruiter for 15 years and still love helping people find employment. However, as all things, some aspects of the job get easier and some get more difficult. I have noticed that it is harder and harder to get references from a candidates prior employers. Why did the word “Reference” become such a negative word in our society?

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Is January a Good Time to Find Talent for Your Team?

Posted by Kelly Nichols on Jan 31, 2017 2:20 PM

Having been in the recruiting field since 2006, I have found this time of the year to be one of the best to find great talent. Generally speaking, people tend to be more available in January compared to other months.  Fiscal years usually end 12/31 and the new budget year is about to start.  This matters because projects for the year usually end around Thanksgiving and hiring really picks up the first full week of January.  New projects that are kicking off or having more money in your budget for the new fiscal year means you can add to your staff to make sure you hit your deadlines.

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